This service provides periodic build for some AUR package and Arch linux image for Google Compute Engine.
AUR repository
Pacman configuration,
[] Server =
GPG fingerprint: 4A5360B500C9C4F0
The key can be imported using the following commands,
$ sudo pacman-key --recv-keys 4A5360B500C9C4F0 $ sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 4A5360B500C9C4F0 $
List of AUR packages in this repository,
clipman-git with the following PKGBUILD patch.
gotp-git - A command line interface to manage and generate Time-based One Time Password (TOTP).
python-face with the following PKGBUILD patch.
semgrep-bin with the following PKGBUILD patch.
Google Compute image for Arch Linux
The image is build from this fork, with the following customization,
systemd-boot instead of grub.
as default local, instead ofen_US.UTF-8
. -
Additional packages for sysadmin: vim-minimal, tmux, mosh, rsync, and unzip.
Cloud ops-agent package installed by default.
List of latest image can be viewed at this page.
Example of command to use the image using gcloud CLI,
$ gcloud compute instances create INSTANCE_NAME \ --image-project=arch-builder --image-family=arch